Cancer information and support services. www.nhs.uk/service-search/other-services/Cancer-information-and-support/LocationSearch/320
Cancer Overview: www.nhs.uk/conditions/cancer
Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Cancer Support provides medical, practical, emotional and financial support. This is for patients, their carers, friends and family.
Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK provides information to anyone affected or concerned about cancer.
Teenage Cancer Trust
Care and support for every young person facing cancer.
Young Lives vs Cancer
Young Lives vs Cancer provide clinical, practical and emotional support. They provide this to children and young people, and their families.
Specific Conditions
Blood Cancer UK
Blood Cancer UK aims to help those affected by leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS and MPNs.
Bone Cancer Research Trust
Bone Cancer Research Trust is a network for people affected by primary bone cancer.
Bowel Cancer UK
Bowel Cancer UK offer information on bowel health and screening. Plus a range of free resources and information on how to live with bowel cancer.
Brainstrust is a UK based brain tumour support charity. They provide personal 24/7 support from the point of diagnosis onwards. Their website contains information about the types of tumour, symptoms, plus treatment options.
Brain Tumour Charity
The Brain Tumour Charity offers information and support to anyone affected by a brain tumour. They offer a support line, support groups, online one-to-one support and fact sheets.
Brain Tumour Support
Brain Tumour Support provides support for anyone with any type of brain tumour. From diagnosis and for as long as support is needed. There is national support and a network of regional support groups.
Breast Cancer Now
Breast Cancer Now provides information on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and treatment.
CoppaFeel! focuses on promoting early detection of breast cancer. They encourage people under 35 to check their breasts on a regular basis. Their website tells you what to look out for, and offers a free reminder service by text, email or app.
Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust
Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust offer a range of information. They provide support to patients and families affected by cervical cancer and cervical cell changes.
Kidney Cancer UK
Information and by supporting research into the causes, prevention and treatment of the disease.
Leukaemia Care
Leukaemia Care provides information, advice and support to anyone affected by blood cancer.
Lung Cancer & Mesothelioma
Asthma + Lung UK provide information and support for anyone affected by:
Lung cancer: www.blf.org.uk/support-for-you/lung-cancer
Mesothelioma: www.blf.org.uk/support-for-you/mesothelioma
Lymphoma Action
Lymphoma Action provides information on the types of lymphoma, treatment and support. This is for those living with the condition, and their families.
Melanoma UK
Melanoma UK is a patient support group. Dedicated to helping skin cancer patients, their families and carers during all stages.
The Mouth Cancer Foundation
The Mouth Cancer Foundation provide counselling and support for patients, families and carers.
Myeloma UK
Myeloma UK provide information about myeloma and its treatments. Providing practical advice and emotional support.
Target Ovarian Cancer
Target Ovarian Cancer offers range of information and support. This includes symptoms, new diagnosis and choices, and living with and beyond ovarian cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Action
Ovarian Cancer Action provides information for women. The risk factors, symptoms and treatment options to enable informed and rapid action.
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Pancreatic Cancer UK provides support and information. This includes specialist nurses and a range of publications.
Prostate Cancer UK
Prostate Cancer UK offers information and support to anyone with concerns or questions. This includes a Specialist Nurse service.
Sarcoma UK
Sarcoma UK provide independent and confidential advice and support. (Sarcoma is cancer of the bone and soft tissue).